On a hike or on camping sometimes you cannot start a fire at once. Quite often the reason for it is wet firewood or absence of skills. Some people cannot collect wood properly, some can’t detect the direction of wind and some are just not lucky to have a good weather, rain and wind do their job. But modern outdoor stores suggest different solutions – burners, gas cutters, waxed tissues or even hunter’s matches that burn longer than regular matches. It’s all made to make assembling of your kitchen during camping or in nature easier.Except for that to start a fire in harsh conditions you can use BaseCamp Burning Gel.

Young Ukrainian brand develops not only carpets and furniture. Nowadays becomes more and more popular amoung tourists their gel for fire. It was rightfully rewarded among tourists, camping lovers, those who often visits countryside and even military. With it you can easily start a fire, boil water or even warm ready-to-eat food.

How to use Base Camp Burning Gel?

Wet wood not always “wants” to start burning easily and wood coal for grill needs warmth or lasting source of fire. So for picnics or in the countryside it can be a real challenge for beginners.

In such situations BaseCamp Burning Gel will be your easy helper. With it you don’t need special skills to light a grill or fireplace.

To quickly start a fire you need:

  • Prepare a place for fire – get rid of dry grass and leafs or prepare the grill;
  • Stack woodlogs or coal, try to do is so you have some space between logs;
  • Pour burning gel on top, usually 20-30 ml is enough to start a fire for medium sized grill;
  • Wait 30-40 seconds for the liquid to spread all over the wood or soak into coal;
  • Light it with mathes or lighter.

That’s it, you have a fire. Usually gel burns for up to 15 minutes depending on amount of it. This much time will be enough for your wood to burn on its own. Then just throw more woodlogs of medium size for it to dry on fire.

Which sizes are the burning gel?

Now BaseCamp offers to buy their burning gel in two sizes:

  • Big 500 ml bottle for countryside/home use. Comfortable big size provides you with gel for a long period of time. If you visit countryside, you have fireplace at home, often visit nature with your grill of just like to sit near fire on weekends then it’s an option for you, it’ll last a while.
  • 20 ml pieces comfortable for transportation, do not take a  lot of space, can be always with you in your backpack. It’s a convinient option for tourism, when you got into a bad weather, or for military or hunters, when they need to quickly start a fire or boil water.

What is burning gel Base Camp?

Base of this burner is a hypercaloric thick gel. It burns for a long time and emits a lot of warmth. Doesn’t emit smoke, doesn’t leave any marks or soot. Doesn’t have any smell. Ecological mixture perfectly executes its main purpose – burns different types of solid fuel, starting with wet logs and ending with pressed brickets for warming a house. It’s also sometimes used for fondue.

Dry alcohol or burning gel Base Camp?

Dry alcohol and burning gel have a lot in common – both used to quickly start a fire in harsh conditions. But with that burning gel BaseCamp has some advantages:

  • Burns for a long time. Average burning time of one tablet of dry alcohol is 10 minutes. But for 20 ml of burning gel it’s 15 minutes.
  • Maximum temperature. Dry alcohol gives pointed temperature up to 900 С, heat from gel will be mostly the same but area of it will be much biger, specifficaly you ignite not just one spot but a whole area.
  • Flammability. Tablet usually needs to be heated by lighter or matches, while burning gel is highly flammable and needs just a second to start burning.

Areas of use for burning gel

Burning gel will be highly praised by all kinds of outdoor lovers:

  • Tourists in mountains. Dry wood is not always easily found. But if you have a piece of BaseCamp Burning Gel, you will definitely start a fire.
  • On campings, where coal is usually used.
  • In the countryside for oven of fireplace.
  • For fondue.
  • For fireplaces at home. With burning gel you can quickly and easily create a comfy atmosphere.

Except for usual fire gel can be used to warm food or boil water. Even though it sounds strange, gel emits enough heat to do something like that. It’s a convinient solution for different unusual situations like power shortage at home, continuous rain in the mountains etc. It doesn’t need any special skills.

For convinience you can use portable stove by від Base Camp and small containers for liquid.

But if you use several small containers be carefull as hypercaloric liquid is highly flammable.

To boil 0,5 l of water you need 30 ml of gel and 10 min of your time. You won’t have any soot or smoke, fire doesn’t fear wind or humidity.

Safety measures when you use Base Camp Burning Gel

Burning gel is a flammable liquid so you should be careful with it.

  • Store it in a sealed package away from children.
  • Already open bottle should be stored away from all sources of open fire.
  • Whaen on skin it should be washed away with lots of water.
  • If it’s on your clothes you have to change it otherwise it might start burning;
  • Expiration date: unlimited

Buy BaseCamp products in Ukrainian stores.